Pregnancy Osteopathy in Redhill & Reigate, Surrey

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosing, treating, and preventing health problems by moving, stretching, and massaging the body’s muscles, spine and joints.

During pregnancy, mothers-to-be experience a wealth of hormonal and physical changes while carrying their baby in preparation for childbirth. Progressive adaptations occur through the three trimesters to accommodate the developing foetus. Ligaments soften, the curvature of the spine changes, and your overall posture is altered. The growing baby gradually moves your centre of gravity forward, which exaggerates the arching of the lower back and places additional mechanical stress on the body. There’s increased pressure on the spine, muscles, and ligaments.

A pregnancy osteopath will work to find your body’s balance through all stages of your pregnancy, helping to prepare your body for giving birth and into the postnatal period.

Is osteopathy safe during pregnancy?

Pregnancy osteopathy is a safe and effective form of treatment that can offer relief from many pregnancy-related issues, helping to minimise stress and discomfort and lead to a more natural and easy pregnancy.

It’s a gentle, non-invasive therapy ideally suited to care for mums-to-be and their unborn child.

What Can Treatment By An Osteopath In Pregnancy Help With?

  • Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, muscular tension etc as a result of extra strain on the spine
  • Groin pain, lower abdominal pain, public symphysis pain etc., as a result of extra strain on the pelvis
  • Sciatica – pain leading from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back to the feet
  • Swollen ankles, varicose veins and other circulatory problems as a result of increased pressure on the abdomen
  • Nausea and heartburn as a result of hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing on the stomach
  • Breathlessness as a result of rib and mid-back pain
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Post-Natal Osteopath In Surrey

Once the baby is born, your body has much recovery work to do in addition to supporting you in looking after your newborn. Post-natal osteopathy treatment can be a huge help at this physically demanding time when you will be bending, lifting and carrying your baby a lot.

We also offer cranial osteopathy for new mums recovering from childbirth as well as newborn children and babies suffering from birth trauma, stress, sleeplessness and digestive issues.

What Our Clients Say

I love my sessions with Catherine, the reflexology is so relaxing, and I love the smells of the creams and sprays she uses on my feet. I feel like I am walking on air when she has finished, and it is really helping me get through the menopause with ease.

JP – Horley

My daughter was getting so ‘stressed out and irritable’ during her mock GCSE’s I thought I would let her have some reflexology with Catherine to see if this helped. It was amazing! It really calmed her down and I felt like I had my daughter back. I made sure that she had some more just before and during her exams. It really seemed to balance her and help her focus. I will do the same when she sits her A Levels.

HP – Crawley

My baby was overdue, and I wanted to avoid being induced. I had tried the curries and long walks so thought I would give reflexology a go as I still was not getting any signs that this baby was wanting to come out. I saw Catherine in the morning, who worked wonders on my feet and helped me relax and amazingly within hours I started labour. I have continued to see Catherine to keep me balanced and help with my wellbeing postnatally.

HW – Reigate