Footcare for people with Diabetes

Diabetes may affect your feet in a number of ways and in some cases can lead to serious complications. One of the early changes can be loss of sensation in your feet, often starting at the toes. This is known as peripheral neuropathy. This may be gradual and at first can go unnoticed, which is why it is important that you receive an annual diabetic footcare assessment from a podiatrist.

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What does your podiatrist look for?

If you are presently at low risk of an ulcer you can expect your podiatrist to check your feet once a year. However, if you are at increased risk of complications, these inspections may be done more frequently. The podiatrist will normally check both the pulses in your feet and look for evidence of loss of sensation in your feet. They will also be looking for any foot deformity or signs of excessive pressure that may warrant either footwear advice, removal of hard skin and in some cases an insole.

Consult your podiatrist immediately if you see any of the following in your feet:

    • A break in the skin
    • Discharge coming from the foot
    • Colour changes over part or all of the foot.
    • New swelling in your feet

You should also seek an urgent appointment with your podiatrist or GP if you normally have little or no feeling in your feet but suddenly experience unexplained pain or discomfort, especially if the surrounding skin is a little warmer to the touch compared with the same spot on the other foot.

Can I prevent or slow down any changes to my feet?

It is possible to prevent or delay changes affecting your feet if you follow medical advice and keep blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels within the target range set by your doctor. Your chances of doing this will be greatly increased if you do not smoke

Always check your feet every day

It’s a good habit to get into and extremely important if you have lost sensation in your feet. Look for any colour changes or damage to the skin. If you see anything unusual or have a cut, scratch or blister, contact your podiatrist especially if it is not healing. The podiatrist would rather be consulted for a relatively trivial complaint early than for a more serious problem later.

Clean and dress any cuts, scratches or wounds

Remember diabetes may affect your ability to heal and reduce your natural ability to fight bacteria. Consequently, you should run water over the wound, dry the skin around the wound (but not the wound itself) and apply a sterile dressing before consulting your podiatrist or GP’s surgery.

Always wear footwear

If you have lost feeling in your feet, then it is possible that you may unknowingly damage them. You may stand on a sharp object like a nail, piercing the skin without realising.

Always wear shoes that fit properly

You should always wear shoes that do not mark the skin or cause you calluses, for example on the tops or side of the toes. When buying new shoes, get your feet measured. If suddenly you feel you need a smaller size shoe because your old size starts to feel loose, see your podiatrist as this may be an early sign of loss of feeling in your feet.

Never sit with your feet to close to a fire

Also always remove the hot water bottle or switch off the electric blanket before getting into bed. It is possible if you have lost feeling to burn your feet and develop a foot ulcer as a consequence. Simple day-to-day advice if you have corns and calluses.

Visit a podiatrist regularly

Your podiatrist will remove any corns and calluses. Corns and calluses are signs of pressure on the skin and can lead to ulceration if untreated. Often, but not always, this will become evident by bruising underneath the skin. If you see such bruising make an urgent appointment to see your podiatrist.

Do not be tempted to use corn plasters

They can, if you have lost some feeling or have poor circulation, cause unnecessary damage that could have serious consequences.

Nail cutting

If you are able to, cut your nails straight across and use an emery board. If you have difficulties or are troubled with an in-growing toenail consult a podiatrist.

If you have diabetes it is important that you have your feet checked at least once a year, so that you receive the appropriate level of care. The podiatrist is in a position to give you appropriate advice and treatment; they can treat any corns, callous, ulcers or pressure sores which you may have developed.

Remember your foot is checked to assess the risk of developing complications, and this is important.

Why go for regular check-ups?

If you have diabetes it is important that you have your feet checked at least once a year, so that you receive the appropriate level of care. The podiatrist is in a position to give you appropriate advice and treatment; they can treat any corns, callous, ulcers or pressure sores which you may have developed.

Remember your foot is checked to assess the risk of developing complications, and this is important.

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Whether you need to ask a question, make or change an appointment or just want to book an appointment, our dedicated and knowledgeable reception staff are available to help.

To get in touch, simply give us a call on 01737 762990 during our opening hours or send us a message using the contact form and we will get in touch.

Please note online booking is currently not available for Podiatry Services due to the often complex nature of enquiries

What our clients say

I have been attending this clinic for the last 13 – 14 years. I have problems with ingrowing toenails and have had nail surgery. The care I received was excellent both with the surgery and aftercare

Pam M – Reigate

I was quite anxious on my first visit, having never used any service like this before, but they immediately put me at ease. They are so welcoming and friendly, knowledgeable and informative. The clinic is exceptionally well run, clean and organised and I feel in safe hands. Now it’s one of my favourite health “jobs” to do

Mandy R – Horley

This was my first visit to a podiatrist. I was really impressed on my first visit and everyone was very friendly. They diagnosed my problem very quickly and knew exactly what to do. I was immediately put at ease and, although the problem has required further treatment, I feel that my feet are in very good hands!!! Thank you!!!

Philip R – Redhill

Very quickly established the cause of issues and a plan to get it sorted. Each appointment has been excellent and very clear on how to tackle the problem. Fingers crossed for flip-flops in the summer!

Laura S – Reigate

Very positive experience. Lovely people and excellent treatment over several years. My feet are kept in prime condition!

Robert B – Redhill

Very professional, excellent service, and always a friendly face! You would be hard pushed to find a better Podiatrist.

Sue SJ – Reigate